Historical Photos and Information

On Decmber 24, 1921, Carlotta Ewing took out an option to purchase 189 acres of dunes, woods, and shoreline in Grand Haven Township that we now know as the Wilderness. Over time, the area has grown into a community of homes and cottages, as well as access to the expansive beach and wooded areas.

For a detailed history of the Wilderness over the last 100+ years, obtain the book The Wilderness Paradise Enow.  Please contact Wally and Jane Ewing.

Entrance to the Wilderness about 1926.  Ewing archives

Ewing archives

A 1912 plat map. When Carlotta and AE Ewing bought the property we know as the Wilderness, it was held by Henry Saul (Section 9) and Louis Bredehoft (Sections 9 and 16). The Old Wilderness, under the name E.A. Ewing, is a bit north in Section 9.  Courtesy of Wally Ewing.

AE Ewing

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Ewing family at Lower Cottage, about 1934


Wally Ewing

The Wallin swing, 1960

Jack and Hester Belknap mid 1950s

Oltman cottage-Nancy Oltman

Dean cottage under construction 1982

The Toy Box

One of the many association summer lobster parties

Tuthill Jr. Cottage, 1994, Nancy Oltman

Aerial view, 1940s?  Howard Tuthill archives

Road to North cottages, 1974, Howard Tuthill archives

Katie Kimball and Fran Shaw showing off their beach hats.